Zii-catcherist Peoples Productions

Workshop Update

Hello all!


We wanted to give you a quick update on what we have coming down the line.

Here at ZPP and you can bet that at any given moment it is just as likely that we are carving random shapes into wood as shipping product.

We basically have three divisions: Monkey, Pig, and Cow. (Didn't see that coming, did you?) The monkey deals primarily with wood. The Pig handles the ideas, stuff like this blog or the Lunatic Deck. The Cow is responsible for icons and, eventually, media releases such as music and video.

So, here are our latest reports from our animals:



The overarching mission of the Monkey remains to create an alien communication device out of geometric and wood material combinations. Progress so far has been excellent. Well, no aliens... yet, but we have a solid prototype for a tetrahedron coffee table with an embedded yoni, as well as the septagram tree we were bragging about in our last post.

More bowls, and a couple of sweet boxes as well. In particular, we are really excited about a mini-Parthenon as a deluxe wood box for the Lunatic Deck.

Our chief monkey also wants me to tell you: We are always happy to do customizations. If you don't like the finish you see or need that square to be a triangle, just reach out for a quote. Often we can accommodate without adjusting the price.



We are all anxiously awaiting the landing of our latest print of the Lunatic Deck. It is slated to arrive in just about a month from the time of this post. That is Way too long and we are all biting our nails in anticipation.

In the meantime, the gears have been turning around a new exploration of the relationship between Tuesday's Song, the Deck, and the calendar. These are immensely complicated works, so don't anticipate that in the next few days. With any kind of luck, we will have something posted about that in time for y'all to receive your decks and wonder what the hell you are looking at.

The calendar has been more or less finalized, with weekly events at 2:22 pm every Saturday at our shop. Some highlights to come include Zii-catcherist sermons and revivals, a Monopoly based divination table including elements from the Deck, and a discussion group around which is the foundation of human culture, coffee or boredom?



From the icon workshop, we are expecting two new icons in the immediate future, a Charlie and an Iidle-Flaxen.

What are those?

Oh, uh...

Charlie the Golden Fetus is the potential of all creation, the unborn god of desire.

Iidle-Flaxen is a Flatus-Fluben, a mutilated creature turned into a poisonous war machine with flaming radiation hair and skin replaced with a plastic polymer.

Or, maybe he is Jesus.

Anyway, this particular Flatus-Fluben achieved hordom and...

You know what, nevermind. We'll circle back to that. The point is: Really cool icons, and they should be done in just the next couple of days.

A little farther down the road we will have a majestic Monkey icon for you. It is standing almost a foot tall and looks amazing. We are probably still a couple of weeks out on that.

Lastly, we have started storyboarding a video. We don't want to say too much because it is still a very long way off, but I can tell you it involves a hapless wanderer stumbling into the world of the Lunatics (De Lune) and Animal Heaven (Deska Renia).


Keep watching. We bore easily and in the words of Dr. Thompson, "It never got weird enough for me."

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